
Réalisateur | Réalisatrice
Directeur·trice de la photo
Cadreur | Cadreuse
Monteur | Monteuse
Expérience: 11 ans
Permis de conduire
Véhicule à disposition
Matériel et logiciels à disposition
- Canon C70
- Panasonic GH5
- Tokina 11-20 f/2.8
- Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8
- Sigma 50 mm f/1.4
- Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8
- Divers Canon FD
- Speedbooster MFT - Canon EF
- Speedbooster MFT - Canon FD
- Panasonic GH5
- Tokina 11-20 f/2.8
- Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8
- Sigma 50 mm f/1.4
- Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8
- Divers Canon FD
- Speedbooster MFT - Canon EF
- Speedbooster MFT - Canon FD
With 10 years expérience as an independent film director, I have worked for notional and international companies in different fields (Buff, Amag retail, Seat, Mazars, Summit Foundation, Région Dents du Midi, etc.).
Film Director of the webserie « One More Winter » For Swiss national television Tataki - RTS
Director of the movie « From Switzerland with Love » Best movie in the category Jury’s pick at the IF3 Montréal
Director of the movie « Simply. » Movie of the year at the International Film Festival of Tarbes
Film Director of the webserie « One More Winter » For Swiss national television Tataki - RTS
Director of the movie « From Switzerland with Love » Best movie in the category Jury’s pick at the IF3 Montréal
Director of the movie « Simply. » Movie of the year at the International Film Festival of Tarbes